[English version below: About eBaoMonthly.com]
《翼报》 eBaoMonthly.com 是网上杂誌,创於2004年八月,不收费用。多元化的內容分载於八大栏目,包括:
- 寰宇古今:探讨世界各地的历史、地理和人文等。
- 艺文走廊:是一个中西方的艺术,文学及哲学的集中地。
- 谈天说地:谈谈在家庭中以及日常生活中的大小事情对我们待人处事的影响。
- 点点心灵:一些散文跟小品文,抒发出作者对生命和事物的感受。
- 云彩生活:有关於生活兴趣及资讯的文章,包括园艺、食谱和饮食健康等等。
- 书香阵阵:介绍书籍或选读经典,把书中內容和著者的想法以简短的篇幅向读者分享。
- 捕光捉影:是一个摄影集,把人物,事物及地貌,透过照相机,把不同的感官角度都捕捉下来。
- 乐趣飘送:中西方的音乐和歌曲的赏析,音乐背后的故事及音乐家的生平等等。
- 创办人:于中旻 朱志伟 郭端
- 编辑顾问:于中旻
- 编辑:陈婉菁 郭端 陈梓宜
About eBaoMonthly.com
eBaoMonthly, a free online magazine, was set up in August 2004.
Articles with a wide variety of content are categorized in eight major sections below:
- Past and Present: Discover the World through History, Geography and Humanities from all eras.
- Art Gallery: Masterpieces of Art, Literature, and Philosophy.
- LifeChat: Lives impacted through events having taken place in families and through interaction with people.
- Inspirations: Expressing the inspiration of lives through prose and stories.
- Living: A sharing section on lifestyles and interests such as, Gardening, Cooking and Healthy Living.
- Readings: Insightful book-sharing inspired by the author's thoughts and point of view.
- Capture: A photo gallery of the World was captured from the point of view of the photographer from different angles.
- Music in the air: Music from the East to West with musicians' biographies. Stories behind the music are also included. This section also aims to cultivate music appreciation.
As an electronic platform, we hope that eBaoMonthly will reach, communicate and interact with Chinese people all over the World through the wide range of knowledge and perspectives broadening our minds, nourish our souls, and to lead us in living out prosperous lives.